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The wrong housing and the housing shortage

On the other hand, expensive apartments with high standards and construction costs between 1500 and 2000 Euro/sqm are on the rise. This is a result of the increasing demands on sound insulation, thermal insulation and countless regulations with protection goals in the last decades.

Due to the current European financial policy, the real estate market has gained in importance as a form of capital investment, which of course also pushes up real estate prices.
The same applies to the incalculable political measures concerning the population structure. These do not allow any long-term statements to be made.

Apartment house in Leipzig
Apartment house in Leipzig

I have experienced in Kiev (Ukraine) how extremely the property prices for apartments can fluctuate. In 2009, while doing research in the Technical Library, I also had a newspaper with real estate advertisements in my hand. The costs for 1-room apartments ranged from 60 to 100,000 dollars. An apartment with the purchase price of 50,000-60,000 dollars is available today (2018) for 15,000-20,000 dollars. The rental income in 2010 was a little more than 200 Euros, so in some cases it had dropped to 100 Euros. If you compare the purchase prices of the properties in the rather insignificant city of Uzhgorod on the Slovakian border with about 130,000 inhabitants and the megacity of Kiev, these are much higher in the small town.

The consequences of the economic change in the Ruhr area have still not been overcome. As I personally am not aware of this, I do not wish to comment on it. It is a fact that political and economic changes have an influence on the real estate market that should not be underestimated.

More and more top performers are leaving the country. These are those who prefer upscale housing. On the other hand, rather simple apartments are needed.

The 1.5 million vacant apartments in Germany are located in predominantly economically weak regions. A few years ago, for example, Leipzig had a vacancy rate of 12.1% with 38,590 vacant apartments. This vacancy rate was much higher. Many cheap and older residential buildings were demolished, which will be needed in the coming years.

Despite the increase in the size of apartments, the housing market is always oriented towards the type of apartment of the fifties and sixties, living room, parents' and children's bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen. The changing requirements for living and working are hardly taken into account. In fact, flats with construction costs of 1000 Euro/sqm can be built without any major cutbacks. But the standard would only have to return to normal conditions. The automotive industry is showing the way. There is a basic equipment and the extras are delivered as requested.
From these thoughts alone, a meaningful living concept could be derived. However, one prefers to build at the high price level, as a greater profit can be expected here.

Compared to 2015, the number of building permits issued in 2016 increased by 25 percent. This corresponds to the construction of 245,300 apartments, mainly in a segment where there is no shortage. However, there was and is a lack of affordable housing.

Although the construction industry still had a large number of orders at the beginning of 2020, a completely different development will take place in the future. In the article the future of cities, ideas are given about what the future of our living together and thus the structures of the cities and communities will look like.

1. The current building trend is determined by the eco-industrial complex.
2. Energy saving and the renovation of old residential buildings.
3. What is an energy saving house?
4. The policy provides for houses and flats that make people ill.
5. Which is the right residence?
6. Build a house ecologically and economically.
7. The building culture and construction
8. If you build your own home, then the building laws must be observed!
9. A home of our own for the protection of our family and our health or just a capital investment?
10. Find the right information in the jungle of building information.
11. You as a builder-owner have to finance all building measures and conditions!
12. The wrong housing construction and the housing shortage
13. How is knowledge generated in the construction sector?

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